By Arcadia Ilagan |

Rain or shine, the day must go on. Dreary weather did not stop the Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School (AdDU-SHS) from radiating optimism and competitive spirit as the Ignite 2023 tryouts continued last January 14, 2023.
With over a hundred attendees, sports participants from clusters Barcelona, Jerusalem, Manresa, Montserrat, Pamplona, Paris, Rome, and Salamanca, showcased moxie and expertise in their respective sports categories. Alert and more attentive than ever, each cluster's appointed Sports Heads kept a close eye on players throughout the tryouts, hoping to spot just the set of individuals that would lead their cluster toward victory.
What are the clusters eyeing in these tryouts? According to Irina Escandor, Volleyball Men's coach for Jerusalem, "Players who are willing to learn and at the same time know how to have fun and enjoy themselves" are qualities that cluster heads are searching for.
Barcelona Cluster Representative Cyril Villareal shared that preparedness and determination are critical for a win in this year's Ignite, and is also believes that Barcelona's "palaban" quality shines brighter than ever.
"We are prepared and we are ready to win," he added.
As thrilling as it can be to participate in fun-filled sporting events such as the Ignite 2023 tryouts, this does not steer us away from the reality of rejection. In sports, there are clear-cut winners and losers. Not even positive platitudes such as "Something better will come your way," or perhaps, "It just wasn't meant to be," ever truly provide you with any comfort when you are caught in the snares of rejection. However, everyone realizes the beauty and truthfulness these sentiments actually contain over time.
First-time Ignite participants Cj Escartin and Deanne Uy are no strangers to rejection. The two Manresa Vipers took part in their cluster's basketball and cheer dance events, respectively. The two shared similar feelings of agitation and intimidation because of the various other individuals who tried out alongside them. Regardless of their uneasiness and the possibility of rejection, this did not hinder the two from exhibiting their best performance in the hopes of being given the opportunity to represent their cluster.
So, why do we continue to try knowing that we could be rejected anyway? To put things simply, we continue to try because we continue to believe. For many, rejection runs deep, and healing takes tremendous work. However, trapping yourself with your dreams and desires in some fatalistic notion that the entire world is going against your own happiness will also leave you facing a cycle of rejection.
This year's Ignite tryouts tested not only each participant's skill and performance in their sport but also their eagerness to grow and learn from the experience. Learning to embrace and make the most of the rejections we face opens our eyes to the kind of respect and patience we deserve to give ourselves. Believing and hoping for the best for yourself is always better than wallowing. Rain or shine, the game must go on. Although not everyone can be a winner, everyone should remain a believer.