By Janela Bañanola |

Photo by Carmel Deligos
March 5, 2024, at 3:00pm the annual Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) strand of Ateneo de Davao Senior High School (AdDU SHS) officially opened through a ribbon cutting ceremony held between buildings C and D of the campus.
The bazaar highlights the hard work grade 12 ABM learners as well as the application of all lesons learned sice their grade 11 days; as highlighted by Ms. Aimee Bisnon from marketing, entrepreneurship and BEST cluster leader, during the opening salvo.
After the salvo, the ribbon was then cut by Sir Ricardo “Rikki” P. Enriquez, the AdDU SHS Director, Mrs. Aujefel Amor Lee, the Assistant Director of Academics, and the ABM teachers.
Sir Rikki then followed with his speech, thanking the administrators, teachers, parents, and leraners responsible for making the bazaar possible; ending his speech that he has a special announcement on Thursday (Day 2 of IGNITE) prompting everyone to be present on Thurday for the “biggest party of Senior High.”
Prior to the opening ceremony; each of the nine sections of ABM and their respective brands prepared booths to showcase their entrepreneurial skills and their expertise in innovation, creativity, and organization.
Jullia Francesca Asis of 12-Andlauer of the brand & lauerwent on to state that preparation for the ABM bazaar went as far back to their time as grade 11 learners, as they were informed beforehand that the bazaar would serve as their culminating activity.
Asis further stated that, “We were already ready with the idea because we saw our seniors do it (last year) we were buckling down…but when the time finally came all of us really just stepped up.”
Fiona Gabrielle Taglucop of 12-Aquaviva and Tiny Piño went on to say that collaboration was the main sentiment that she experienced and learned during this activity.
Taglucop went on to state that she was touched by her classmates eagerness to help her design their booth; “In previous grades and years, I’ve never had anyone that were willing to
help me.”
A percentage of the profits generated by the brands would be given to the chosen charity of the several classes.
The ABM Bazaar would continue from March 6 to March 7 during IGNITE, after such the products sold by the nine businesses would be unavailable.
Below is the list of the nine ABM Brands and their corresponding sections:
Tiny Piño
& lauer.
Heads Or Tails (HOT)
Saint Society