by Samantha Marie Lacuna │

We all want a 20/20 vision - literally and metaphorically. Somehow, clarity and a sense of direction bring us comfort as we traverse this life filled with countless uncertainties. Most of us expected the year 2020 to be grand and impressive. This time last year, people were debating whether it was the beginning or the end of a decade while others were claiming the year as theirs, explicitly saying "2020 is my year." As we bring this year to a close, we've come to realize that 2020 isn't only the beginning of the end of a decade, but also of so much more.
In the course of our lives, we come to a point where there is a need to start something new or end something we’re used to - most of the time, the two go together. Before the pandemic and the abrupt pause it has imposed on our lives, we’ve been living fast lives - always going for the next big thing. In the process, we’ve caused troubles in society (the abundance of fake news, cyberbullying, etc.), and at the same time, we’ve allowed ancient issues to thrive. It’s about time we collectively start trying to put an end to all of these.
We were all very preoccupied as we entered 2020. Some of us were dealing with new things while others did stuff from before. Since the 1600s, the prejudice against races has caused great division in our society and has claimed lives worldwide. Last May, people worldwide united in sending a message to empower and protect the lives of minorities through the movement, Black Lives Matter. The volume of this cause reached even the farthest of places and brought us together even as we practiced social distancing.
The beginning of this immense conception of unity had a significant impact on us as citizens of the country. We faced all the years’ obstacles with less division and more collaboration, regardless of being physically separated. We had to go through numerous transitions all at once. We started to turn bedrooms into online classrooms and dining tables into work desks to adapt to our current situation. Unfortunately, these transitions can be too fast for some of us, leaving a gap between those who can and can’t keep up. Thankfully, the gaps that we thought would divide us have done just the opposite. We see so many people filling in these gaps and holding us together. We see efforts coming from large institutions, humble families, or even small groups of friends leaning towards a common purpose: for no one to be left behind.
Now more than ever, we've started to be more united as we try to help each other move forward. May it be helping students get through online classes, doing fundraisers for our jeepney drivers, or simply supporting the small businesses of those who've lost their bread and butter. Although this year has separated us from one another, our sense of unity and oneness as people has begun to end the great separation that kept us apart. If anything, the challenges we’ve faced as individuals and as a people have made our bonds stronger.
Looking back, 2020 was the beginning and the end of a lot of things. From starting a healthy lifestyle to ending toxic relationships, we've all taken a step forward - regardless of how difficult or heartbreaking it could have been. With so much time in our hands and such few things we thought we could do, we've had no choice but to explore ourselves and our lives. This pause was a perfect opportunity for us to be more familiar with who we are and realize that we are constant works of progress. At the same time, we've had the chance to reflect on the kind of world we live in and see how divided we were. This familiarity helps us end whatever keeps us from seeing things for what they indeed are.
As we open up our eyes to another year, it is about time that we wipe our lenses and embrace whatever it is to come. If there were one thing I've clearly learned, realized, and seen after this year has taken a lot from me and the world as a whole, it would be that we didn't need much to live full lives. We are only at the beginning of the end of our blurry vision. We’ll soon see 20/20, and hopefully, the view is as beautiful as we pictured it would be.
(Photos from Sky News, News Bytes PH, Philippine News Agency, CNN, & Rolling Stone)